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FBI Minneapolis Citizens Academy Alumni Association

(FBI Minneapolis CAAA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization separate and apart from the FBI)

***Only active FBIMCAAA members can log in to access the MEMBERS ONLY content including event details, newsletters, and news.                     Click the "PERSON" icon in the upper right-hand corner, click "LOGIN", type your email. Use "FORGOT PASSWORD" if needed.***       

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The FBI Minneapolis Citizens Academy Alumni Association (the “Chapter”) is a community-based and supported organization, distinct and separate from the FBI, and is designed to promote a safer community through community service projects and a process of educating business, labor, media, medical, minority, religious, government, senior citizens, and other community leaders about law enforcement, with particular emphasis on the mission, resources, and limitations of the FBI.


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  • October 10, 2024 3:14 PM | Holly Schultz (Administrator)


    Here is one of the story's from the DEA about their one pill can kill series. Fentanyl has become a serious epidemic killing kids at break neck speed.

    Here is the DEA's fact sheet about Fentanyl:

  • July 23, 2024 8:57 AM | Holly Schultz (Administrator)

    North Memorial is offering free courses for Bleeding Control Basics.  The training is led by experts from North Memorial Health Level 1 Trauma Center.

    If you would like to register, go to:

    The course is free of charge, but registration is required. 

    All participants who complete the class will receive a certificate of completion and parking ramp validation.

  • May 17, 2024 9:27 PM | Holly Schultz (Administrator)

    Please mark your calendars and plan on joining us for the highly anticipated, very FIRST, All Class Reunion for all graduates of the Citizens Academy.

    Date will be Wednesday, August 21st, 2024

    Full details of the event will be sent out by the Community Outreach Specialist in the near future!  

    You won't want to miss this opportunity to socialize with fellow graduates, learn about what the Alumni Association is doing in our communities, ways you can help, and some great speakers and a case study!

    Questions?  email and someone will contact you

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Ways to help

There are many opportunities for members to be able to participate in making a difference for people in surrounding communities.  From rescue bags for sex trafficking victims, to food cards for child victims of sexual assault, supporting fallen hero events each spring, elder fraud events, and opioid education, FBIMCAAA covers a wide area of expertise and tries to reach as many community members as possible through it's programs. 

Stay up-to-date on happenings by reading our newsletter! 

Read the latest FBIMCAAA news in our quarterly newsletter!  Be sure to watch for blog posts under "News".

Read the latest issues

Many different ways to make a difference! 

Our Minneapolis Chapter strives to meet the needs of our surrounding communities, raising money to support organizations that help members and children. 

See all pictures here


Stay connected:

Working with FBI staff and volunteer leaders, the Chapter goals include:

(a) Providing the community with resources, training and information that will benefit citizens in the community.

(b) Providing the FBI with community-based resources when appropriate needs arise.

(c) Providing Citizens Academy graduates with a network of civic-minded colleagues and special access to
programs and information.

FBI Minneapolis Citizens Academy Alumni Association

Contact Email:

FBI Minneapolis CAAA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization separate and apart from the FBI

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